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March 2008 Newsletter

Welcome to the Design for Sport newsletter. We hope you enjoy it and feel able to contribute to future editions - our aim is to showcase the role of innovation and great design.


Sunday 16th of March sees the Sport Relief Mile take place across the UK. The event offers three alternative distances to run, allowing people who are still suffering from Christmas to raise money for a worthwhile charity. The money heads towards vulnerable people both at home and some of the world’s poorest countries.

More News

In Barbados the new sports minister is on the ball after announcing that the Democratic Labour Party Government will be waiving duties and VAT on sporting equipment.

Even though Dr Esther Byer-Suckoo has not actually specified when this move would come, the news is a relief to those sportsmen and women who feel that the duties and VAT is a major obstacle for some participating in sports. Let's hope the British government is watching!


This looks like the most fun you can have without... etc. James Bond would give his right arm for one of these, but they are available for everyone to buy. The perfect extra for your giga-yacht. Have a look here.

Research and Development

Apple are doing very well through their design led business model, but other companies are wondering how they do it... Effectively they spend a lot of time, effort and money with teams of excellent staff. Simple!

Olympic News


The bid for the first ever Winter Youth Olympics was launched by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to find a host for 2012 games. The age range that will be competing will be from 14 to 18 and should bring together approximately 1,000 young athletes. The disciplines and events will be limited to those that are thought to be of interest to younger generations.

We think this looks like a classic false start, a failure to understand what motivates young athletes or youngsters in general. We'll have to wait and see.

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